︎평면이라는 뜻을 가진 패싯
︎많은 평면들이 둘러싸인 깎은 면 모양의 커트를 말한다
︎그 면들이 만나는 지점의 엣지만 추출하여 공간보석을 표현한 디자인

UKG / 1974
From The Author of the Acacia Seeds
and Other Extracts 한글
한글 주얼리 설명 And with them, or after them, may there not come that even bolder adventurer — the first geolinguist, who, ignoring the delicate, transient lyrics of the lichen, will read beneath it the still less communicative, still more passive, wholly atemporal, cold, volcanic poetry of the rocks: each one a word spoken, how long ago, by the earth itself, in the immense solitude, the immenser community, of space.